You may remember in a recent post that I special ordered a DH Russel #1 belt knife from Grohmann knives. If you didn't, then I'll catch you up. It's basically the original #1 style knife in Carbon steel but with a flat Scandinavian grind and in a left handed belt sheath.

The whole process including explaining what I wanted, having the knife made, and shipping took just over a week...and that was including a long weekend.

The knife arrived in a nice gold leaf lettered box. I imagine that all their blades are this way.

The blade was very well oiled, wrapped in wax paper, and shipped in the sheath. The sheath is firm and the leather thick but it's going to need a bit of work to toughen it up so that it lasts...I'm thinking about giving it the old wax treatment. The knife also shipped with a lanyard...a feature I like since I use lanyards with my knives.

The handle is rosewood. It looks very good and should stay nice for a long time as long as it's oiled once in a while just like the blade. I've heard that the handles crack but I suspect those handles were not oiled often or at all.

I was told that the production manager at Grohmann took this request on himself to grind the knife. The grind goes higher up the blade than I was expecting but aside from a tiny bit of uneven grind near the handle, the job appears to have been done expertly. I haven't measured the angles yet and I'm hoping that the edge isn't too narrow. Time will tell if it's and issue as I'll be testing it out this weekend on a camping trip. I did measure the grind on a straight edge and it's very very flat. It is so broad that at first it looked hollow ground but it's not the case.

The unique handle feels VERY good in my hand. I can see why this knife is famed as a hunting knife. Everything about the shape of the handle, angle of the blade, and the sweep of the edge screams slice slice slice! It's no surprise to me that this knife has been featured in New Yorks Museum of Modern Art.

I tested the blade on a scrap of receipt paper. There wasn't an angle it wouldn't push through the paper and no sliver of paper was too thin to cut even thinner...I have some sharp knives but I don't think I've ever had a knife that will cut so effortlessly.

This is my first experience ordering something customized and I think I survived alright. It's not exactly what I had in my minds eye but it's close and pending how it performs I think it was well worth the leap of faith.

Grohmann's customer service was tops. They made every effort to cater to my request and the turn around time was amazing. My only regret is that I didn't have a more challenging request for them as they didn't even blink at this one.