Thank-you. Before I joined the forum nearly two years ago I sent Doug Ritter an E-mail asking him why a knife is the universal tool. I told him I live in a major metropolitan area and my tool of choice is a pair of EMT shears. Rather than answering the question himself, he posed that question to the forum to get their feedback. It was after posing the question that I joined. For almost every possibility posed to me, a pair of EMT shears could do the same job, just differently. There were a few exceptions such as EMT shears cannot be used for fishing. I don't fish. I live in the fourth largest metropolitan area in the United States, I don't fly and I don't go backpacking, camping, hunting or get involved in water sports. I did try out a Victorinox Swiss Army Classic SD for a while. It did not work for me so I gave it away. I still use EMT shears. I have two, in fact, and I even have one in my pocket as I type this message.

Today I did a lot of reading on urban survival, bought a Fox 40 and completely modified my AMK Pocket Medic. One of the things I did to it was add a role of 1/2" medical tape. Except for the tinniest of first aid kits, every kit should have a roll of tape in my humble opinion. I still have my Mag-Lite and plan to hold on to it; I plan to replace it with a Photon Freedom Micro as part of my EDC.

Jeanette Isabelle
I'm not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded schools run by people whose dreams were crushed years ago, but I admire the sadism. -- Wednesday Adams, Wednesday