I love the LMF though it's not replaced a small sharp knife like my Freeman Hunter for bushcrafty stuff. I mostly use it for rough work like chopping (the heavy pommel lets you grip the handle low with just a couple of fingers giving you way more speed at the tip), batoning, hammering (the pommel can be used as a hamme), or anything I would not normally use a knife for (like digging cat holes) because I know it's tough enough to endure more than I'm willing to subject a knife to. It's my lightweight alternative to carrying a shovel, axe, hatchet, and a backup knife. It's also quick to draw...something that is never a bad thing in cougar country. That same webbing belt also holds a can of bear spray.

I don't really consider the Diesel to be much of a backup blade as I'm not partial to the knife in it...but it is sharp and it is there so I guess that's my tertiary backup knife. The Diesel also has a saw which covers pretty much any wood working need I might have.

I think if I can add a firesteel of some kind and something high visibility to the lanyard loop in the pommel, it will be an improvement without being overkill.