Originally Posted By: Nemo
My answer to Todd will qualify as investment decisions in hard times I think. This is a very pertinent topic given our current verge of recession and you are correct Redflare this might be more appropriate for a new thread.

Being green is hip right now but honestly the green of money is more what we were concerned with. Unless your vehicle generates income or entertainment (boating/hiking) to outweigh its cost it makes for a very poor investment that depreciates over time even with consistent investment of maintenance money. We also saw that our costs for the car were increasing (with fuel and such) outweighing our "need".

Interesting decision.

What is your plan for an emergency? Broken bone, maybe a foot or a leg... Wait for an ambulance or a friend to give you a ride? What about if you have to evacuate a bike can have it's positives but not if you have to be gone for a LONG time and need to take a bunch of your belongings? I just can't see how not having a car at all out weighs having one, even if it is old and not used daily.

Investment wise... you are right people do not buy cars to make them money but they can be used to facilitate income generation (getting to work etc.)

Thanks Nemo
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