Originally Posted By: Susan
There will always be a wide range in people's planning for emergencies, just like with everything else, from the people who think their government will take care of their every need to the people who think Burt Gummer was underprepared.

I don't have TV, and I don't know anyone who watches Oprah (okay, I'm deprived), but does anyone know if she has ever done a show on getting prepared? Surely she has more clout than Britney Spears or the others of that ilk. If there's one person who can influence American, she is probably the one.


I vote for Blast, Wildman and Doug to appear on the Britney Spears Preparedness Special with Guest Stars: Les Stroud and Lindsey Lohan. Same useful information. Better comedy. grin

Edited by BrianTexas (05/05/08 07:10 PM)
Edit Reason: Still can't spell
Also known as BrianEagle. I just remembered my old password!