This business of 'finding ammo' is a very dangerous falsehood. We are not Wolverines bursting into the sporting goods store 5 minutes ahead of Spetsnaz paratroopers o.k.? You buy your prefered piece. You buy ammunition for it- now. A former acquaintance went hunting with a .30-06. He forgot his ammunition and dropped by a local sporting goods store. They were sold out of .30-06 ammo. It seems a bunch of locals used .30-06 too.
I agree with you for the most part
but I sure don't see a lot of modern bullet designs loaded for things like .303. I certainly didn't picture the Red Dawn scenario.
The diversity (and availability) of modern ammunition for cartridges like the 7.62x51 is, IMO, not something you should completely overlook.
If a person chooses to buy a couple of thousand rounds and sit on them for 30 years then it wouldn't be a factor. It also wouldn't be a big factor if you plan to shoot ball ammo exclusively.
For folks like me that keep a fair number of rounds on hand but shoot them and rotate them through on a regular basis it is a factor. For anyone interested in shooting modern bullets it would be a larger factor too.
As always YMMV.