Thanks for the feedback Taurus. I'm not a hunter (not yet anyhow) but mantracking is very similar in principal...and even easier many times. Animals are careful...people are clumsy.
I'll check out those brownings. now that you mention it, I'd heard they made animal tracking lights but it didn't come to mind this time. I think Gerber has some too but they're UV blood lights only. The one light on my list (the 10 color one) I found on eBay ultra cheap just now so I may get it just to try since it wouldn't cost me much more than buying some cheapies. Plus in my case, I may benefit from using colors that are of no benefit to the average person...and this will help me discover that (if I order them).
At $60 a pop, the Inova's are nice lights but to buy 4 wouldn't be practical or anywhere's close to my price range.
Putting a filter on my mag light is an option but the problem with most of my lights is that they are all LED and have bad hot spots in the center of the beam...which is super bad for mantracking. I've seen the beam pattern of all the lights I referenced in the original post and while some aren't very powerful, all are very well dispersed.
I just hope the theory that color blind people have better night vision is true...I've never really put that to the test but now I have a reason to.
If anybody has any other suggestions I'm game to hear them...even if I order these lights I'd still like to try a few brands even if I have to beg or borrow to do so.