Recently I've taken a strong interest in tracking and signcutting with my SAR organization. The head tracking instructor swears by tracking in low light using colored lights to highlight features differently in the terrain.
This got me to thinking about buying some colored lights to practice with. I'm hesitant to spend the money because I'm color blind and don't see reds, yellows, and greens like everybody else does.
This gives me advantages and disadvantages. While I don't see the same color everybody else sees...because I see them differently, I'm prone to picking up details others's well documented that many color blind people are better at seeing through the natural camo of animals for example.
Because of my color deficient eyes, I wonder how the different lights could benefit me in different ways than a normal person, or hinder me. They could help me overcome any deficiencies that my disability brings into the mix. Unfortunately there's not a lot of solid research done on this and I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that the only option is to try it all out and see what works for me...the typical approach for color blind people since there are so many different types of color blindness...and in differing severities.
Okay, I'm getting off topic. Do any of you SAR types know of any good, inexpensive colored LED flashlights which are good for mantracking or signcutting?
Right now I'm looking at the following:
Any of you have any other options or opinions?