Yes, but more importantly is what can be effectively done about it now? Reducing our carbon emissions isn't going to stop or even slow it down, so if nothing we do seems to make much difference to the outcome, then why get all worried about trying to stop change, and just learn to live with it. Those who refuse to accept that change is inevitable, that this planet is going to always be in a state of change, are going to waste valuable resources and effort trying to stop the unstoppable. Even if we were to put a halt to all man-made carbon emissions tomorrow, there would still be a tremendous amount of carbon continously being released to atmosphere despite us. We need to face the facts: in a thousand years, the environment on this planet could be dramatically different than it is today. The people of that time will have to deal with whatever those conditions might be, whether it is an ice age, or the atmosphere has warmed up by 10 degrees, or whatever. Carbon emissions now are a worthy concern, in the context that they are but one of a myriad of issues we need to manage responsibly, balancing economics against the prudent use of our resources. We as a race tend to favor economics most of the time, we like to get the biggest bang for our buck, but we are living in an age now where we are no longer able to be truly naive, nor arrogant, about our role on this planet.

I cannot buy in to this silly notion that we are able to make that much difference to what happens on this planet, one way or the other. This planet has been heating up and cooling down without any help on our part for a lot longer than we've been around, and will continue to do so for a long time to come. Besides, so long as the same morons that espouse our need to curb our consumption of carbon fuels also insists we need to maintain a hands-off approach to managing our forests, how can they expect anything other than a net-zero change in emissions? Either you do it all, or else don't bother with any of it.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)