I'd ditch at least one of the flashlights and replace it with a nice LED headlamp. Much more flexible to keep both hands free.

Two prybars would be overkill for me. Ditto on the quickclot.

So many blades...mouthwatering, but man, if you ever get in a scrape and the cops search you, they won't like all of them. I remember once when I told two punks to f-off who were trying to start something with me. They ended up calling the cops. I was glad that I only had one Rigid in plain sight on my belt. If they had started counting out multiple knives, my heart would have sunk. My mind keeps flashing back to the trailer of the upcoming Batman film. "All he had in his pockets were knives and lint."

It's too bad you can't find those textbooks in e-book format. Have you tried? Hell of a lot lighter in the backpack since you already lug around a laptop! I try to keep as much literature as possible on my Treo for work, church, etc.

I just received my Utah CFP after my Idaho one expired, and I can carry anywhere except a church (that prohibits it) or secured federal facilities. There was recently a big bruhaha about the University of Utah banning all guns on campus. The UT Supreme court ruled it unconstitutional and so CCW holders can carry there, too.

Sadly, in Texas, all a private person or business has to do is post a legal notice that concealed carry is prohibited and you can have your CCW revoked if you "trespass" with a concealed weapon. I'm sure Texas A&M already has done it.

When the SHTF, no one comes out of it smelling pretty.