Originally Posted By: IzzyJG99
Doesn't surprise me. There are a lot of countries (Nameless they shall remain..) that in 25-35 years will turn around and have to buy their gasoline from us. And don't think by then we're all gonna be using electric cars. The then CEO of Goodyear Tires said it best in 1965 what he thought about flying cars. He said "I'll do everything I can in my power to prevent that from ever happening. Flying cars don't need tires." So you can say people will make sure we keep using oil based vehicles in large part for a long while to come.

I actually like the idea of buying someone elses oil and saving ours and then when they need it selling it back to them. With inflation...by the time they need our oil we'll be making more than they made off our needs. I love it. James Bond can't stop that plan. Lol.

I don’t think so, there is a lot of oil still in the ground all around the earth. Siberia has been an unutilized area because of the harsh weather conditions. With newer technology it will become a place that will be able to supply a wide range of resources, including oil.

I honestly think oil will be our main fuel for at least the next 100-years.
It’s not enough to just come up with a replacement fuel for autos, you have to make it less expensive then the oil, that takes a lot of time to do as all new things cost a lot at first. You also have to have an infrastructure to support it. This also will take a long time. Oil has this right now (a gas station on about every corner in America) it will cost untold billions to get this infrastructure set up with any new energy.

And the most important consumers have to want it and companies have to be able to make a profit with it. I don’t care how much government tries to force it down out throats, it’s not going to work longterm without free market policies in effect.

Don’t hold your breath expecting oil to go away anytime soon, probably not in any of our lifetimes.

Edited by BobS (04/17/08 02:42 AM)

You can run, but you'll only die tired.