My bad, I thought the packaging said "2 hours" but it says "20 hours run time". Still different from what the packaging on the website claims, but it's all relative to the light output threshold. I went ahead and ran my little test last night. After two hours of constant on, the light was probably down to 50 lumens output. I say this because it was slightly less bright than my older 80 lumen luxeon based flashlight with new batts, but not quite as dim as my older 30 lumen flashlight.
I went ahead and left it on overnight, and this morning it is still at least as bright as the 30 lumen flashlight with fresh batts, so I left it on for the day. I'll let you know what it looks like after I get home tonight, but I expect it will still be at least as bright as my little pocket photon style Nichia LED light.
Also, the name of the book at Costco is "Survival Wisdom and Know How", 'everything you need to know to subsist in the wilderness'. Like I said before, it is a compilation of articles from Stackpole Press.
It is a shame that Sam's Club didn't do write by you OBG. I guess any retailer can screw the pooch once in a while. I only shop there because they have stuff no one else in town carries and usually at a price that makes me take the hook. If they every treat me bad, I suspect I will forsake them just as I have any other store that gives me bad service. I'll go poke a few holes in their tomatoes next time just for you.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)