Them's the ones. I think 40 hours is the whole wind down time on a set of batteries, with 2 hours being about the limit for high brightness. The packaging on mine differs from what's shown on the website slightly, and only refers to the 2 hour interval, but I bet it'd still be making usable light out to 40 hours.

I will test them tonight for duration and let you know what I find out tomorrow.

BTW, I found a neat Survival manual at Costco this weekend. It is a compendium of various survival articles and publications from a new york publishing company (the name eludes me at present). The manual is nearly tabloid size and about an inch thick; there seems to be quite a bit in it. They want $12 for the book, and I got one. I saw the first article in it about tracking animals in the snow, and it looks like it will make for a good read. I'll keep mine in the throneroom so's I can read on it daily.

The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)