Last fall Sam's Club (a national warehouse retail club chain associated with Wal-Mart) was selling a pair of 80 lumen flashlights that ran on AAAs for $28 a pair. The cases are aluminum and designed similar to other "tactical" type palm flashlights. They have a push-button on/off switch in the tail and have a run time of about 4 hours on three batteries. I bought a couple for home and a couple to give to the girls as Xmas stocking stuffers. 80 lumens seems pretty bright. The brand name was "Element", featuring a Luxeon LED.

Last night, I saw on display a pair of similar flashlights from the same mfr for the same price, but featuring the new K2 150 lumen LEDs, with the same 3 AAA power source with a 2 hour runtime. The new flashlights are a little more robust, and the pushbutton switch on the tail is now recessed, making it a bit more difficult to accidentally turn it on. I bought a pair, and when I got them home I fired them up. BIG DIFFERENCE!! from the older models. The light is whiter and the beam really reaches out. They claim a 300 foot spot, I figure at least 150 feet practical illumination. At $14 each, I am pleased. I will keep the older units, but will use the new ones as primary lights now.

Just thought I'd pass on the news. Element is an off brand I'd never heard of or seen before, but so far I figure I've got my money's worth. Probably on par with Dorcy brand I figure.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)