Well, a three legged frog would be worth half as much to me, having only one good leg for the fryer. BTW, do you remember an old joke about the physiological link between a frog losing his legs affecting his ability to hear?

I suppose we could load the frog on the trap machine, we'd get more use outta him that way. Well at least once maybe. I've heard of the rabbit on the sporting clays, which is a tough shot at times, but never the frog.

We could always move the seminar to Chamballah-Ashrama south of Denver, though I've heard recently that place got taken over by the skin-heads. I guess the Khrishna brethren decided to lop off their top knot and cop an attitude. Denver can do that to ya.

The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)