It is glaringly obvious that YOU are most definitely NOT crazy.

I'm going inside so I CAN shoot him while he is inside; One more home-invasion rapist child-molesting kidnapper thief piece-o'-dookie off the streets? I'll make that decision when the time comes. I do what I can. Why should I let him get away so he can rape or murder somebody down the street if I have the opportunity to kill him while he is in my house? There was a time when people thought about their community in addition to their families and their selves. There are child-molesters, kidnappers, rapists and murderers getting out of prison only to do it again. Heinous crimes should be dealt with severely. If he is only a thief, then he should go steal from the grocery store. If he is in my house, I am going to assume he is looking for a victim. People feel sorry for a kid who gets killed when all he did was burglarize for pawn items so he can get high on heroin, but a persons home is a persons home.
A home should be thought of as saying "welcome" to family and friends, and "stay away" to everybody else. If some people don't have that much sense to acknowledge that, and think that the home-owner is going to assume they broke in because they wanted to make a sandwich, then they will probably not survive very long anyway. So, I say assume the worst, and if they don't sit tight until the cops arrive, shoot em. But, don't let them get away. You might be safe, but they can always come back or they may decide to victimize somebody else. Be a part of your community, not just a societal pawn.

I want them to be afraid of coming into my house and anyone else's house too, and not because I might call the cops or file insurance claims, but because they are dead if they do, or at least taking one in the leg and then cuffed for the cops.

To put it bluntly; I'm going in after the intruder(s), and I'm going to kill him/them, hoping that I got there in time to stop him from raping and murdering my wife and children who I hope are still dreaming peacefully in their beds. If he did get to them already, and he is still in the house, not only am I going to kill him, but I am going to kill him by beating him to death with his own arms that I twisted and ripped away from his torso while he was screaming how sorry he was and that he couldn't help himself 'cause he was off his meds.

The only sure way to deter crime is to keep potential criminals afraid of the repurcussions. Criminals are liars and will say anything to get away. If I find someone in my house and he has no exit, he will either negotiate or attack. I am not heartless. I can tell the difference between a mentally ill person who "wandered home" and a "bad guy".

Not everyone fears incarceration, but everyone fears pain.

This is not an easy thing to sum up in a forum post, but for what it is worth, it is fun to feel in control, especially of one's own house.