A while ago there was a post here about the White Box Stove . I was interested, so I obtained a couple of Bud aluminum beer bottles, and lugged them all over the western U.S. The other day I happened to have a little bit of time on my hands, so I finally got around to turning a bottle into a stove. I can't attach any pic, sorry, but I made the thing to look about like the one in the video. Tonight, after dark, I dumped about an ounce of yellow Heet into it (just a guestimate, based upon years of playing with soda can stoves), and lit it off. It took about 40 seconds for the central flame to emerge from the side burner holes, at which time I put my WallyWorld grease pot, containing two cups of tap water (fresh from the Colorado river) on top. Air temp about 70 degrees, no wind, no wind screen, no lid on the pot. Rolling boil in 3:40. Mucho faster than any soda can stove I have used (and I have made just about all of the various models around). I think I like it...