Originally Posted By: paramedicpete
Under what circumstances would you want to utilize the N/P airway?

And that is the key: WHY you would use (or not use) a tool or technique is of higher priority that HOW.

The Merovingian was not a nice fellow but he was right about the 'why':

"Merovingian:...But this is not a reason, this is not a `why.' The Keymaker himself, his very nature, is means, it is not an end, and so, to look for him is to be looking for a means to do... what?

Neo: You know the answer to that question.

Merovingian: But do you? You think you do but you do not. You are here because you were sent here, you were told to come here and you obeyed...our only peace is to understand it, to understand the `why.' `Why' is what separates us from them, you from me. `Why' is the only real social power, without it you are powerless. And this is how you come to me, without `why,' without power. Another link in the chain."