Only get them if you have training.

Take a look at this:

Thanks for that link. That's exactly what I needed!

This is basically an identical question to this:

"I am thinking about piloting an airplane, I know little about them. Any advice?"

LOL!!! But I got an A in flight ground school.

I think some of you are under the impression that I am trying to provide for something more complicated, but look at the link provided by JIM (above) and you will see the tube I am talking about.
"Nasopharygeal airways are sometimes used by people who have sleep apnea (Wikipedia)", so you guys who think I need to be able to fly the space shuttle with a medical degree stapled to my shirt must be thinking about something else. I know there are different kinds of intubation and other airway procedures, some of which are illegal to perform unless medically liscenced.

From what I've seen, inserting a nasal trumpet seems simple enough, just so long as there is no basal skull fracture or other severe head or facial injuries.

I think I'll get one, and if I can successfully insert it on myself, then I will include one in my kit.
As naive as it sounds, I've seen it done on You-tube a couple of times by bored soldiers.
The military issues them to everybody, and they are used on conscious people who might gag on an oral airway tube, and on unconscious victims to ensure their airways remain open while other first aid is performed.

Please understand, I'm not putting this kit together so I can get myself into a lawsuit. I'm not a wannabe paramedic.