moBOB- thanks a lot for the kind words my friend, I will be heading back all too soon but for now at least, I will attempt to put it all behind me for a while. Even though it was a TAV and not a full deployment I was glad to get out of there all the same. 1,000,000 survivos! wow, what does that enable me to buy(lol) As soon as I gets a sharpie in my hand I will hopefully be more help to your question.

benjammin- thanks as well, I cant tell you how happy I was when this happened. I love working with U.S forces, especially these guys. Made a couple of great friends with the Marines and am really looking forward to fighting alongside them again.

Killing the leaders of terrorist groups does have a desired effect on their followers.

yes my friend, very true. I would prefer to whack them all, leaders and followers alike. The Marines are more than willing to help with that one.

Thanks for your Service and "Walking the Walk".

Thanks SD, comments like this make a guy blush. I love my job, but I dont "walk the walk" any more than my friend who is an Edmonton police officer. In fact that holds true to any firefighter, SAR tech, EMT and so on. My hat goes off to these people who walk the line every day right under our noses and rarly ever get thanks for it. I only do it when someone makes me(lol)

Edited by Taurus (04/04/08 12:53 PM)