Thanks for the replies fellows,

Taurus - I agree with you that fresh fish is the best. I have netted/cleaned thousands of smelts (it is a real spring social activity here) but never really liked the taste of them. I find I have lost my patience for ice-fishing (I usually end up doing bushcraft stuff on the shoreline), but I am better in a boat because you can travel around.

OBG - Yes I am truly tired of winter this year; we have had 4 months of it so far and there is still 2 feet of snow on the ground. If crazy fish bait works (cheese, ham), then it is not crazy; I caught a walleye once on red flagging tape.

Blast - My partner usually keeps a mini-fishing kit in his sled, but him and I have an ongoing battle over other equipment.
He is a minimalist, not only for survival gear but even for work tools; I am a "gear horse" if you need it I proabally have two.

Yesterday as we were off-loading the sleds he said "If you are going to bring your giant pack, them I am not bringing mine", I just could not operate that way but he is fine with it. I did forget my Ice Extraction Picks yesterday and it bothered me all day, because we were near some thin ice at creek inlets. I put a couple of large nails (spikes) in my pocket instead but they are not as available in an emergency.

