Originally Posted By: Chris Kavanaugh
BOB S, " God created cats so people could pet lions." Ritter and Kavanaugh both have cats. My cat, Piewacket saved my life, literally. I kept trying to walk out into a heavy storm and he kept biting and scratching my thigh ( Montana Hi Top riding boots and jeans)I had to untangle his claws from my jeans, put him down and start for the door 8 times. I was turning the doornknob when a huge native oaktree came crashing down and took out my apt stairwell. I don't have 9 lives.

I just pick on cats because at least 2 times a month I see homes that smell real bad because of cats. Some of them are so bad you can smell it before you open the door. And it amazes me that the owners can’t seem to smell it. Or they want me to spray some deodorizer on it thinking it will fix it when the only fix it to throw away the carpet and pad and then seal the wood floor with polyurethane and then get rid of the cat before you put new carpet down. Or else it will destroy the new carpet in a short time.

Cat urine is some really nasty stuff.

Cleaning carpet in homes gives me a different view of cats then most people have. That and I’m allergic to them.

You can run, but you'll only die tired.