I once packed a bottle of Chateau-Laffite '48 and a fresh cooked three course meal including cornbread, stew and cobbler. Of course, I had 3 Dutch Ovens, a coffeepot and a string of mules to help. A friend got into the ultralight hiking cult. He brought a six pack of Bud light. I packed a six pack of glass bottled Warsteiner- and knapped a survival tool kit out of the empties. With the aluminum Bud Light cans he just wasted his chocolate polishing the bases for a signal mirror and fabricated a mini stove.I ate my chocolate, swiss not german and I think on my pannier scales the Bud light wieghed pretty much the same as my german beer once decanted.Unless you indeed dehydrate the stuff, food simply isn't going to be 'light.' This is the same argument as lighter sleeping bags. You need x amount of loft for warmth and x amount of calories. My personal favourite, and very traditonal survival food is Fruitcake. I've even taken to fabricating custom cooking pans out of aluminum to fit the funny pockets on my ( again) german flektharn parka shell.You'd think one at least would be dedicated for my ESBIT stove, but nooooo. So at day's end I've settled for; fruitcake, chocolate, jerky, hard cheese and a lesser wine and finished with coffee or tea. I open it with my ( again) swiss army knife corkscrew all these outdoor Pundits( Pundit being a specially trained british spy trained to calculate long distances via measured and counted steps in India.)decry as useless while promoting guthooks and sawbacks.

Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (04/03/08 04:16 AM)