A little along the idea of "Moose Goo" my daughter and I made a snack food last month that would make a decent outdoor trail food.
Last Christmas my 10 year old daughter's teacher gave each student a bag of what she called "Puppy Chow" the kids really liked it and my daughter asked for the recipe, it is:
Puppy Chow
1 - In the microwave, melt: 1/2 a cup of butter, 1 cup peanut butter, 1 cup chocolate chips
2 - Add a small box of Crispix cereal to the mixture and mix well
3 - In a bag or bowl with a tight lid add 2 cups of icing sugar and shake like crazy.
This stuff tastes good even though it looks like dog kibble (the icing sugar kind of dries out the wetter ingredents).
When my daughter and I made this over March Break we decided to double the amount, while cleaning out the cupboards of other open products, without straying too far from the recipe. To the original ingredients we added honey, nuts, multi-grain cheerios, maple/nut cereal and raisins, but did not put in the Crispix cereal (we did not have any).
We pressed the mixture firmly into a glass baking dish and let it set for a while. The end result was quite good, I said it needed more raisins, my daughter said it needed more chocolate!
We cut the product into bars and it was a little messy. It was very filling (and very fattening I would guess), I ate it a couple of mornings while rushing off to work and it got me through to lunch time, no problem.
I think this would be fun/easy camp food to make with your kids that they will actually eat while in the bush; ever try to convince a teenage girl to eat an MRE?