Okay I'm going to stir this pot a little...

I just found out today that I'll be taking part in an evidence search exercise with my SAR organization...a perfect time to do some multi-tasker vs uni-tasker testing. I want to be 'fast and light' but still be versatile enough to have the proper gear to do whatever is asked (usually the police call the shots and don't always give you all the details...understandably).

This thread plus that news got me to thinking about some of the redundant stuff I often carry. So here's a few examples for you to wrap your brains around while I do the same.

  • Gerber LMF II: Lighter than my Gerber Brush Thinner Machete, Gorge folding shovel, or either axe. Much more versatile than my Gerber folding saw. Can dig but not as well as the shovel, can hammer like the axe but not as well, can chop but not as well as either the axe or the machete, can do what the saw does but not as efficiently, can take 'abuse' (like digging in rocks) better than any other option. Plus it's a knife! But can it/should it replace some/all of those other items?
  • Crusader Canteen set in carry bag: In the given situation (an evidence search) I only need a good supply of water and shouldn't need to cook anything. Given that the canteen set is overkill but should I run out of water, I then have the option of boiling found water or purifying (as I keep purification goods in the bag itself). I also have the option of making a hot beverage which, given the current season in Alberta, could be desirable...but is it worth the added weight to have those multi-tasks over a Nalgene bottle? Though now that I think about it I've heard stories of people being effictively stranded in place for hours. Once you find a piece of evidence you CAN'T leave until the police (or a CSI) take control of that item/scene (to maintain continuity)...so maybe the ability to cook a small but hot meal is good?
  • Gerber multipliers or SAK?: Going into such a search I might not know if the environment is urban, rural, bush, swamp, etc. Would multipliers be a better option or would my swiss army knife? Or should I carry both to be sure despite the added weight and bulk? Tough call again.
  • Clothing: Waterproof/breathables all around (bulky but nothing needs to be carried unless layers are shed)...ie Multitask. OR Fast/light clothing with some reserve gear in the pack (rain poncho, windbreaker, etc) ie: Unitaskers. With the former I might not even need a pack...with the latter my mobility would be way better at the cost of some additional weight in my pack...plus those items might be slightly redundant...or not even needed (like if it doesn't rain).

Just because this is an experiment, I think I'm going to go for a lightweight mix focusing on the multi-tasking side but mix it up a bit to see how lightweight I can get. This goes against my typical 'take the kitchen sink, it only weighs 20 lbs' routine and will force me outside my box a little. There can be a LOT of walking invovled and the last thing I want to be is loaded down be it with multi-taskers OR uni-taskers. I can make notes about what I use and what I don't. There is little risk in trying a combo which isn't ideal because it's an excercise.