In response to having a security force to handle security and pilots to just the fly the plane, well that's EXACTLY what they already have. Now, there isn't an air marshall on every flight - they take them off when there are armed federal agents flying. As I mentioned before, ALL federal agents have received training on what to do in the event of a highjacking. I'm NOT saying there is an armed person on every single flight, but the on overwhelming majority of flights they're there. I know this.

THe pilot does have the final say on what happens on his flight. He and the co-pilot are apprised and aware of everything of significance happening on that plane.

Unless there's internal memoranda saying otherwise, the TSA and airline industry has yet to remove the pilot from the equation. They ARE the equation.

Lastly, as I said before, the pilots are concerned with getting from A to B and EVERYTHING inbetween, but remember, they're smart people. Using Robert Duvall's quip from the movie "Colors" (but applying it differently, I'd say "Hey Bill, let's put the plane on autopilot and go out there and SAVE THAT GUY that's being attacked by those humpheads". "Frank, why don;t we stay in here and SAVE THEM ALL"