Thanks for the info, so many things have changed since I've had a chance to head to the third world and it should be interesting this go around. I have been gearing up on a lot of non metallic items as well like money belts as well as the zipper belt (non metallic zippers)etc.. to put normal stuff to pass through the detectors seamless. Nothing illegal, just papers, money things of that nature and some basic kit items like a small signal mirror, plastic whistle, magnifying frenzel lens, etc.. I'm bringing on a mosquito net for sleeping (backpacker style) and cut down the 50 foot cords as suggested into 4 equal pieces because I won't have a knife until I get into country and then I'll acquire one locally. On the way back probably concerns me the most because along time ago I always got a hard time trying to bring things back with crooked customs on the third world side, so I'm trying to also gear up with items that may get stolen or confiscated. Usually they never cared about bags or water filters but GPS or the military compass may interest them as well as solar may stick out. I'm trying to blend as much as I can with the sheep but still giving me a positive edge. The military stuff and the watershed dry bag may start to single me out, so I've been trying to adjust loads and cloths to have everything I need in a carry on, no checked luggage and every thing on me, non magnetic and non field reflective.
Thanks for the advice all and I have much work to do.

Update: Maybe the PSK in the money belt may be a bad idea if they are using the new millimeter wave portal. So much for freedom I guess... At least the PHRASECENSOREDPOSTERSHOULDKNOWBETTER. or should I say the heard loves it.

Edited by falcon5000 (03/26/08 11:15 PM)
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USMC Jungle Environmental Survival Training PI 1985