That's a very good point. I put a lot of thought into site location because when I'm solo, I'm a tarp + bivy man. My experience with road trips however has taught me that you can't always find such a spot when you're in unfamiliar lands.

campsites which look great in a book or online can turn out to be a gravel pit or urban parking lot (with a nice view for the brochures). Areas which are supposedly prime for back country camping can require more hiking than is advertised and you end up pitching camp within view of the interstate in what equates to an open field...lots of variables and it's impossible to cover them all.

When I'm in the middle of Alaska and my time table gets screwed up (it always does despite my best planning), AND my wife wants her beauty sleep to start 10 minutes ago, I'm going to need a sturdy tent that's quick to set up and can be set up in such a way that the inside stays dry when pitching...the Morpho AR is the ideal tent for those requirements.

The fact that it's light enough to throw in a backpack for short hiking hauls is a definite bonus.