The variety of opinions expressed here is interesting. I believe we are overlooking an important factor, which is careful selection of a sheltered campsite. A cheap tent in a sheltered location will outperform a quality tent pitched in a bad spot.

I was working with a crew in a notoriously windy location some years ago. Everyone had North Face VE 25s, a really quality, bomb proof tent. One of us really liked the view from an exposed bluff and pitched his tent there. He did fine until we were hit with really high winds that struck in the early evening. His tent was shredded and he spent the night in our cook shack. I was really surprised to see him there the next morning. I had placed my tent about 100 yards from his, but in a bare spot surrounded by thick brush. I slept through the whole thing, completely undisturbed.

Mountaineering tents are tough and overbuilt because there are often few options on a climb as to where you can put your camp. It is very different from most normal camping.
Geezer in Chief