Whatwas done in the '70s when the "mini Ice Age" was encroaching on the planet (quick, stockpile socks, jackets and blankets!)? We were all doomed at that point too. As a whole I don't buy into the whole climate change thing (quick, stockpile socks, jackets and blankets!). I am in the camp of the "cyclic nature of the Universe" bunch. Refer to the mini Ice Age of the '70s. I would look at the disasters that typically happen where you are and overprepare for them. Socks, jackets and the like. Make, check, and recheck your plans and preparations. Afterwhich, sit back with a few friends, slide your toques back a bit, and sip a Hamm's (or whatever).
I agree with you on the climate change thing and I do remember the "new ice age crisis". Most of the media hype isn't really driven by the data. The temperature may be warming, but I'd place the likely cause to be solar fluctuations and long-term cyclical events rather than human factors. The increases in CO2 probably will be offset by enhanced plant growth, perhaps helping future agriculture. Besides, the climate is never static, but always changing and fluctuating (in Texas, it changes by the minute).
Catastrophic, sudden
climate changes are unlikely. The usual tornadoes, blizzards, ice storms, heat waves, floods thunderstorms, hurricanes that make up
weather will always be with us.