"I was very suprised and a bit annoyed to see everyone else show up with coolers of food and tons of other gear. Had I known I would have had a lot more stuff like edible food for instance..."
I don't mean to laugh at you bud but
Planning or knowing the plan, isn't that what we are here for?
Anyway that was your reprimanding.
You were prepared for the emergency that came up and re-acted calmly and rationally. That’s what being prepared is about. I'm sure that boy was very happy you were there. Cudo's to you!
"SHawk, I understand the voice thing completely! My DW is the only person under 6'6" & 275lbs that has ever truly intimidated me..."
Yes, be afraid. That's just common sense.
Blast you are, and always will be, an excellent Dad.
Your Bud,