BLAST- the care pack offer is one of the nicest this things I have ever heard from a guy I have never even met. Same applies to you WILDMAN800, the offer alone makes me smile knowing there actually are good people left in the world. I could never impose on that kind of generosity though. The Canadian public so far has been really good and we get stuff sent from time to time from businesses, organizations, schools or complete strangers. It really is top shelf support that we get from home. Our Military may be small but it is a tight family. The loss of a single guy is enough to make national headlines. Sadly, we lost one hell of a great guy recently. I don’t know how many more ramp ceremonies I can handle. I am only here on a TAV(TACTICAL ASSISTANCE VISIT) to replace a guy who was injured very badly. Once the next roto switches over I will be home. Then I start training to come back for 9 more months in 09.

I may go to jail if I send you the things on your list, but we actually travel down your way to do simulated desert training every year. I may not be able to get you det cord but believe or not we could make shock tube and I could show you how to make detonators with a BIC pen. With You being a chemist and me having a fair grasp on all things related to explosives we should be able to make local headlines.(lol)
CLIMBERSLACKER – Glad you liked the pics. I had no idea you were only 13 dude. You seem to have the level head and skill/experience of a guy twice your age. I got seasoned soldiers here who wouldn’t know what a fire piston was if you slapped them in the face with one. Ever consider a career as a soldier? You appear to have the right mindset. As for the dust, it is KILLER. There is no escape from the dammed stuff. It’s fine like foot powder and gets into everything including food. I will take snow any day over dust.
BIGMOTHERTRUCKER- finally made it here eh? I know you told me over MSN that you joined but I couldn’t believe it. I see you are just as political and diplomatic on the forum as you are in real life. You are either making friends here or everyone hates you already. (lol) take care bro, see you soon you loudmouth.
For NIGHTHIKER, MDinana, OBG, IZZY and everyone else, thank you for all the kind words folks. Means a lot.
take care