As far as the gold thing goes, it's good to diversify what you have. Definitely have food, goods, and tools stockpiled, but also buy some gold and silver, foreign currency, and other tangible assets when you have the spare cash to do so. It may or may not help, but all it needs to do is save you or your family once to be worth it. When preparing for the unknown, anything could wind up coming in handy. You just never know.

On a side note with gold: You don't have to buy it in only one ounce gold coins. There are plenty of smaller denominations. You can buy uncirculated U.S. Gold Eagles in 1/10th, 1/4, and 1/2 ounce sizes. You can also buy gold in jewelry, which you can wear and therefore always have on you, but also consider it as a possible bartering tool if the need ever arises.

Again, you don't have to put a ton of money into gold, but a few bucks here and there adds up over time. Years ago I started collecting coins and currency. Every year, if I had some spare cash, I'd pick up some coins or currency that I liked. I'd also get some as gifts from people that knew I liked coins, or forein currency from people that went on vacations to various places and had some left over. I don't know exactly how much I have right now, but I know between my collection and jewelry it's plenty for an emergency. Plus, if I have to bug out at least I know I have some form of money that I can grab and go. Instead of hoping I can find a working ATM somewhere.