I see a lot of good answers about possible governmental responses, and personal reactions. I'm really looking for how is how your neighborhoods, local communities, and towns would respond based on you knowledge of the areas and people around you. Basically would the people in your local area come together to help one another as needed, would it be every man for himself or a little of both.
For me personally I'm at home unemployed and would like to say that the area that I'm in would come together but it won't. Over the years I have tried to talk to my neighbors and the only ones that will do more than say hi is the young girl next door, who will talk but is afraid some one will tell her jealous husband. Also the man across the street but he stays pickled and doesn’t make much sense most of the time. We have a lot of young men 20-40) that live with their moms and dads and refuse to look for full time work but most will do odd jobs here and there. Our trouble area is not very far away less than 2 miles and I have noticed in the last two months a very large increased police presence. Given the scenario I put forward I believe the area will basically go to blazes in fairy short order. We also live less than20 miles from one of the most violent cities in the country, and I’m afraid that the violence would only increase and spread in fairly short order without government intervention.
Depend on yourself, help those who are not able, and teach those that are.