I think most people would sit and wait for the government to fix it and rescue them. They would want the government to do another New Deal to save us. This will not work any more then it did last time. The new deal did not pull us out of the depression, Hitler and WWII did.

Hopefully most of us here are somewhat better prepared for a collapse if it happens then most of the populist.

I never bought into the idea of gold investing as any value if our whole economy tanks. You can’t eat gold, you can’t heat your home with it. I don’t see it having much trade value with others. Food and useful supplies are good trade items. When things go south, how would one go about trading or bartering with gold? A few ounces of gold, is not worth as much as $15.00 worth of ravioli or other can goods to a person with a hungry family. Who knows, I may be wrong, but I don’t think so.

You can run, but you'll only die tired.