
Many thanks for this post and your clarification of goals of the site. I don't know anything about tinfoil hats or black helicopters, but I do know a little something about what the media is reporting from the newspaper I read every morning. For example, Washington Post - "Terror Attack Steps Urged". I'm pretty sure that Woodward and Bernstein's newspaper doesn't go for fringe paranoia stories, so I figure that if a mainstream paper is covering radiological threats, there must be something to it.

My interest is knowledge applicable to my situation and it would appear that this is the site for information relevant to my interest. I suspect that mainstream media's taking up the banner of preparedness is something the participants of this website applaud, especially since it has led to increased readership and participation.

Again, many thanks. I greatly value your advice, Chris, and I look forward to learning more from you and others with something relevant to add to the discussions. I hope I never have to use the knowledge I've gained here, but if I do I will not forget where I got it!
