My guess:

Day 1 -No change, except for a little bit of talk show/radio story. Financial consultants are hard to reach (unless you have a good quality spatula).

Day 2 -Ditto. A light undercurrent of panic. Nervous laughter but little else.

Day 3 -People's dim senses begin to realize that something has happened. Their food supplies are very low (didn't ration) and they can't but much more. Those wearing Hoffman Lenses are completing the last details of their evacuation plans.

Day 4 -Panic surfaces in the cities. Riots start at grocery stories (few riots at first, centered on food storage)

Day 7-10 Riots now common (spillover into tech goods and personal property). Martial Law declared. Military rolls into a few cities and makes better use of the active denial systems. Curfew imposed. Birthday parties canceled.

Week 2 People adjust to new situation and economy (if there is one) is stabilizing. Government ration lines and check points start (to deter lootings etc). People on the red list don't make it through either. GVT rations are used up within the week (AND it was hard to get them)

Week 3 Propaganda is on the airways 100%. Mandatory repayment of debts is instituted (by 'work' camps). If it gets really bad they won't even bother with repayment they'll just use the military trucks/trains to round people up into Fema camps. "We are the XXXX Military. We are here to help. Food and water are available in the camps. Violation of camp rules will not be tolerated..."

Week 4 Strange Ash settles downwind of the camp's chimneys. Chicken substitute becomes plentiful and pollution is on the decline.

I would be stunned if the economy lurched to a stop. The powers that be will avoid that as money is the system of control. If they lose money as a control system they will switch to food/water (and they don't have much of either to use it as a carrot for long).

If the economy does slow down substantially I don't feel that the population will be able to shake their conditioning. I think the PHRASECENSOREDPOSTERSHOULDKNOWBETTER. will remain passive and calm while waiting for someone else to save them (The UN?). Calm is relative though as Race issues may come up.
If the economy does stall I also suspect that war will break out to distract the citizens and redirect their emotional flux. Those who are prepared will have the ultimate test of their characters and ethics (who do you save? how much can you help/instruct without letting everyone know you're a preparedness type? etc). My recommendation: Serve the greater good and go down fighting. The flesh suit only last so long anyway and good deeds ripple out forever. -Sorry for the tangent!


I also suspect that the power will always flow to GWEN, HAARP and the cellphone towers.
