Originally Posted By: raydarkhorse
Here’s the scenario, tomorrow you wake up to find that we have had another black Monday. The stock market has crashed, and when you go to the bank just like in 1929 they limit the amount of cash you can withdraw. The economy goes to crap, and unemployment doubles over night. Given the differences in today’s technology, morality and ethics (for lack of a better terms) what do you think would happen?

1) The "Great Depression" featured money that had worth/value but no one had any. The "Great Depression II" will feature worthless money that people have quite a bit of. U.S. Money will become "very expensive, rather rough, toilet paper".

2) People who are aware of what's coming, and can afford to, have or are moving out of the cities and into the countryside.

They are buying (in cash by those who can) places with enough acreage that can support large gardens, a few cattle or goats, and some fuel for wood burning stoves.

Others (like myself) are making arrangements to get out of the city and into the countryside. Those such as myself are paying off as much debt as possible as quickly as we possibly can.

3) We are ALL going to find that the preparations that we have made are going to be needed AND used during the times ahead. This will be especially true of our food stores.

4) I expect the "Big Brother" factor to greatly increase as the crime rate increases.

5) I also expect that "food rationing" MAY become a reality as more acreage is tied up in FUEL production instead of FOOD production.

6) Revolution (Civil War II) MAY be in the air as a much larger segment of the population grows hungry and resentful.

7) Eventually, the American Public will welcome the advantages of the North American Union and with that, the AMERO to replace the worthless Dollar.

8) Strict control of people's movements will be instituted as recovery efforts are being instituted since since some places are threatened to be overloaded with the needy.

I am really trying hard to answer the original question and NOT get political. I am afraid that the two are intertwined and not able to be completely separable.

I sincerely apologize if this violates the rules and would accept removal of this post by the moderators if they deem it has gone over the line.
The best luck is what you make yourself!