This thread is going to ask what do you think would happen. I am not asking if you think the scenario is impossible or inevitable, and this question is not to debate; who is at fault for any present problems real or perceived. I’m looking for purely social response from your points of view and geographical areas, not a government response based on the scenario. I’m not going to even put forth my ideas yet because I’m interested what every one else has to say.

Here’s the scenario, tomorrow you wake up to find that we have had another black Monday. The stock market has crashed, and when you go to the bank just like in 1929 they limit the amount of cash you can withdraw. The economy goes to crap, and unemployment doubles over night. Given the differences in today’s technology, morality and ethics (for lack of a better terms) what do you think would happen?
Depend on yourself, help those who are not able, and teach those that are.