I just came into possesion of something VERY similar to this, http://dvice.com

Mine has a 3 inch blade but looks almost identical. Anyone know the technique to sharpen such a device? I figured it would be the same as any other knife but my most expensive diamond stones dont even phase it. Its already the sharpest knife I own, but I was told that they can hold an edge far superior to any metal blade, which can last 10 times longer. The blade is supposed to be almost as hard as diamond. You can obviously see the survival knife/BOB knife potential I am pondering. Who knows, it may be a complete piece of S$%& but it is worth the effort to test it out a bit. My concern is, once it does get dull, how the hell do I re-sharpen it?

I figured I would ask here in hopes that someone else may have one. I am afraid I may attempt something stupid and end up ruining it by accident.

"Knowledge without experience is just information" - Mark Twain