Originally Posted By: Arney
Originally Posted By: BobS
I don’t remember what network it was on (Discovery channel?) but did any of you see the show on the box-jellyfish in Australia?

Look up "Irukandji". I don't know if I saw the same show as you're talking about, but these things are tiny, invisible buggers. Despite trying to cover every piece of exposed flesh, those two Irukandji researchers both got stung on a dive together and were in full-body agony. Luckily they got out of the water before they were incapacitated with pain. They said that even max doses of morphine only took the edge off the pain. The woman was in severe pain for weeks IIRC.

It sounds like we saw the same show, she was in the hospital shaking, in a lot of pain, and looked real sick, and mumbling that she didn’t know why she does this kind of work. I would not want to go through what she did. The guy did much better, I don’t think he got stung as much. I remember them holding up a bottle of water (the size of a Mason jar) with them in it and there were a lot of them in it. It’s amazing something so small can do the damage these little jellyfish can.

You can run, but you'll only die tired.