I did not lay out my plans before, but things that might come in useful have been purchased:

Additional space blankets;
1 600 foot spool of 150 lb. test utility cord, about 8 feet used to make a braid that was added to key chain;
Mora knives from Ragnar now kept in BOBs (#761);
Added some water to the store for bugging in;
Ordered and await a few more things, including escape hoods for DW and myself; and
Became the owner of firearms (shotguns) for the first time, although I cannot bring them into NYC legally (I can get to them in about 45 minutes driving).

A couple weeks ago pulled everything out of the BOB, looked it over, made sure I thought it should still be there, thought about what was missing, added some first aid stuff, packed it all away.

And most importantly, I got DW thinking a little about such stuff. Although she humors me in preparing, getting her to prepare is a struggle. She still has not clothes in her BOB, despite me asking a couple times. Her comment this past week was that if she really needs to get out, clothes are not going to be her biggest concern. My response was that they would be three or four days later, when you really want a clean pair of skivvies. So, there is osme work to do in that area still. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has a spouse that does not engage in actual preparation.