I am not seeking to cache food in Manhattan, right now. If the stuff in the apt. runs out, I should have left long ago. If I do this, it will be in a suburb, probably on our property. I can drive there in less and an hour, traffic permitting, and also get there via mass transit. There is a house, but soon it will be nothing but framing. The house is not an option, but the land on which the house is located is an option.

If I make it to a cache with my and/or DW's BOB, then I should be able to cook. Each BOB has something I could cook in and a few things with which one could start fires.

The storage area is a good idea, and we do have one. I'll be in it this weekend, so I should add some food to it.

The 0idea is to locate a cache of some food outside of NYC, in an area to which DW and I are likely to flee should the need arise, and be able to eat for some time solely consuming the cached food.

I've got other options in this area, like some gear with which I could try to obtain meat, fish, etc. and more importantly friends and family on which I think I could rely. It is not the only thing on which I would seek to rely. But I'd want to make it as complete and reliable as possible.