...The meat came from the surrounding woofs, fields, and lakes...
I believe they are called "wolves" or "coyotes" depending on the specific breed...

I do agree with the rest of your post... We are setting up our 0.2 acre with a dwarf-fuji apple and a dwarf Cox's Orange Pippin apple tree (that was hard to track down) they cross pollinate and their crops over lap just a little so we have a longer period of apple harvest vs. a ton all at once. We also picked up an orchard mason bee box to help with the pollination (works better than "miracle grow"). The garden is small right now - only 12 foot by 35 feet but it will grow over time as we get the hang of doing it our selves.
I have a bunch of rhubarb growing along the side of the house we never use - it loves it and I don't have to mow there now.
Planted a bunch of herbs in the mow strip instead of grass because the CC&Rs say we need a 'lawn' but do not specify exactly what a lawn is.
We are not self-suff. with this set up but now we buy roughly 15-20% of what we used to. (Oh we also hunt/fish/crab/clam too)
Some of our neighbors have a handful of chickens as pets... they don't like the eggs so they give them to us. We give them the green compost for the chickens to eat.. so it balances out.