
Hmmm, here I was thinking I was the only one that used these in kits (have a number of them that are scattered among several kits). Typically they are packed on a long edge and have a label on at least one edge indicating contents. Real easy to look into a kit pack and read which size batteries and other items are within each case.

The only thing that irks me a bit is the split halves when they are opened and which can be a pain to get loose stuff into and properly closed sometimes.

Overall opinion, good for the price. YMMV

For those of you that know someone in an I.T. Department (in the server room at your office) take the time to see they have any laying around. Many times they get tossed when the data tapes fail or are deemed "not needed" anymore very similar to the 35 mm film canisters that get tossed our at the film processing labs.
