nursemike brings up something I've been thinking about lately:

What would the traders, trappers, and other pioneers of the past would carry now, if they had the choices we do today? From what I've read, most were very particular with their blades and tools, carrying what they thought to be the best that they could afford. (Even the humble Green River knives were considered to be some of the best mass produced knives of the time period.) Like you mentioned though, many also got by just fine on whatever they could scrounge together or make themselves. (I have a friction folder a blacksmith made for me that's about as simple and cheap a design as they come, yet has no problem shaving hair off my arm.)

While I don't know for sure what they would do today, in my mind I think they would be a lot like many of us. Keeping an eye out for the best gear at the lowest price and sharing stories of gear that works and gear that failed. With that said, what works for one doesn't always work for another. If it did, we would all have the exact same stuff. smile

(Hope that isn't too far off topic whistle)