We as a people like everything now, we are into instant gratification. Our modern lives are built on this now idea. We want food instantly (fast food and micro waved food) we want the answers to any question answered NOW! We want fast internet so the pages load NOW! We are so into instant everything that we forget (or don’t care) that many things take time to get the answers or to get the right answers.

We see these reports on what it’s going to be like in hundreds of years and are unwilling to wait for the results to be proven right or wrong. I don’t see it as a good thing to act on a prediction that has absolutely no base in facts and that is politically motivated. I do think it’s a good idea to work for cleaner energy production, but not so much as to harm our living standards as seems to be the desire with the global warming proponents right now.

You can run, but you'll only die tired.