I have attempted to work close to home. To make a long story short, I make - literally - exactly 6 times more doing the same job in New York City that I can earn out here in Bucks County.

I can't afford to nor do I want to live closer to the city, we have very solid roots here.

Just in case you don't know - a 3BR apartment in New York City, in a building you would actually want to live in - will cost you around $5,000 to $10,000 a month rent. Really.

I grew up in the suburbs of New York, I hated it. I lived in Manhattan for a long time, I loved it, but always knew I'd live in the country one day. Now I have both. 3 days a week in Manhattan, 4 days a week at home. It's a great mix for me, and well worth the commute, both financially and mentally.

I work on the bus, so for me, the commute ends at the bus stop. Now that the third kid is here, I'm changing my bus station to one that's closer, but has a longer bus time, but now my "commute" to the bus stop will be only 8 miles, and I'm pondering riding my bike when it warms up.