Plan and equip your BOB to fit your situation. It is hard to define what or what not to include. Individual circumstances are too varied to cover with a list.

I don't see confiscation as a major hazard. Small groups of people with alternative supplies are not an issue. It is seen as just a few people who won't need assistance so more for those in need.

That isn't to say that you get to live like kings flaunting it and lording it over people or make a killing selling bread to the starving masses. Doing that is crass and inconsiderate. You can expect to pay a penalty if you make too much of an ass out of yourself. Even if they don't prosecute you they might just drag you down to the station for questioning. Meanwhile your stash is unprotected. Problem solved.

In other words, use some common sense. If your so inclined, help where and when you can. If you can't, don't flaunt what you have and if you do sell things keep the prices reasonable.

I also wouldn't worry too much about firearms confiscation. Reading accounts of police in NOLA many of the people who had guns confiscated were flaunting their guns and sometimes threatening people. Removing the guns eliminates the risk of having to come back for a shooting.

Very few people who kept a low profile had their weapons collected. One really good reason being that the police didn't have the time or manpower available to hunt for weapons. If there weren't complaints or didn't see them there was nothing to confiscate.