I am sure that many people carry true luxury items in their "survival gear", such as a music player. However, I see the tendency toward packing a big load of survival gear differently than as an inability to pare away the luxuries and stick to the necessities. I think it has more to do with the role that the unknowable plays in survival situations.
Is bugproof net clothing a luxury or a survival necessity? Well... that depends upon whether you will get a deadly disease from a parasite bite, if you don't use the bugproof net clothing. So, will you? You have no way of knowing, in some cases. Is a back up firestarting method a luxury or a necessity? That depends upon whether your primary firestarting method fails during a life threatening situation. Will it? Again, you can't tell in advance.
(Such possibilities really do happen. I've picked up a disease from a tick bite which would have killed me, without medical intervention. I've reached into my gear and found my lighter broken.)
Since we don't know in advance whether any given item will turn out to be critical or unused when a survival situation strikes, we take our best educated guesses, and place out bets by making the survival gear choices we do. Sometimes, for some folks, that means a weighty load.
It's not that any given piece of survival kit is intrinsically a luxury item (or intrinsically a necessity), and we are miscategorizing it; instead, it's that the same piece of kit is sometimes a luxury and other times a necessity, and we'll never know which it will be, in advance.
By the way, here's the fundamental survival gear I carry:
http://www.mikespinak.com/articles/Essays/e995mypsk.htmlI also carry other stuff, like warm clothes and food.